We all know that the future of housing lies in prefabricated housing. This is because the industrialization of construction processes in the factory reduces the environmental footprint and offers workers in the construction sector a series of advantages in terms of handling, timetables, weather conditions, safety, and health.
Numerous construction companies have opted to recycle and manufacture housing in their own facilities.
Some of them have opted for light wooden structures and finishes made by manual processes, such as stucco or traditional rigid coating. These materials allow us to make many models without having to develop the construction technique and with finishes such as puttying, sanding and painting.
Another advantage is that we avoid possible problems of cracks or permeability of the finishes due to movements during transport.
At Keu, after many years of studying prefabricated housing, in 2017 we decided to start drawing the first lines of what would become the K1 and take it to the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office.
Focused on the mobile home sector, we acquired the necessary experience in this field that we have been working on for a long time. That is why we developed a prototype of an efficient, divisible with panels, home with 100% recyclable materials.
Our main mission consists in bringing to society a Mobile Home housing model, fully equipped with the latest technology and with the finishes of a nautical product.
The house in its creation comes segmented by pieces. In other words, the business idea is to be able to transport the disassembled house to its recipient from our facilities.
Consequently, all K1 processes are dry. That means that all the parts comprising the project are made from fully finished ex works materials. It has no paint, stucco, tiling, or anything else from the traditional construction sector.